Frequently asked questions.
If you can't find what you are looking for here, please feel free to give us a call.
How long does it take to get a quote?
Quotes typically take a week to be reviewed, processed and submitted.
Will Keves mange the whole project?
Yes, Keves Building Works can manage the whole project or smaller sections if that is preferred.
Do you leave my property clean and tidy?
Most definitely, we have in-house cleaners and professional subcontractors to provide this service to us and you.
Are you fully licensed and do you only use fully licensed tradespeople?
Correct, all workers and subcontractors are licensed and insured to undertake their required works.
Do you have the capability to start and finish the job by a set date?
Yes, our team will consult with you and the subcontractors to determine the dates required to complete the works in an agreed time frame.
How quickly can you resolve issues once they are known?
Within 24 hours our team will assess and provide information to you on most issues that are found to be unexpected.
What's your policy on variations and what would I typically expect?
All variations are discussed and documented with the policy that no works to be done unless approved.
Once the work is complete and paid, will you come back and fix any problems?
Yes, Keves Building Works have a defect liability period in accordance with the Builders Work Contractors Act and Regulations.